If you love leather handbags, but don’t want to break the bank, read on!
At Brag About Bags, we know that brands speaks for themselves and that quality and value for money are more important. That’s why we pride ourselves in catering to the needs of money smart women who won’t compromise on style and have a penchant for genuine leather and branded handbags. Our selection of handbags and purses includes: totes, shoulder bags, hobos, cross-body bags, clutches, diaper bags, leather wallets and purses. You name it, we’ve got it!
Just click on Order Form to submit your order and we will get back to you on the affordable shipping rates to your area (the average weight of a handbag is approximately 1kg).
To start shopping at Brag About Bags, simply browse through our New Arrivals and Regular Items Catalogue, and Brand Name Bags then place your order by filling-up the Order Form. You may choose to purchase through the web and make payments online with PayPal, or submit your Order Form or by email to sales@bragaboutbags.com. We will then get in touch with you on the alternative payment methods.
So, what are you waiting for? Start enjoying your hassle-free shopping experience at Brag About Bags now!