How Do You Find Fashion Steals?

Do you scour sales racks or ask sales people to notify you when your wish list items go on sale? Let us know how you save money on fashion. Share Shopping Tips

Fashion Girl

I absolutely adore fashion. Everything from Chanel couture to the marijuana ring I bought yesterday for $20. I love to write. I like to cook and eat, and you're probably going to hear about what I had for lunch today. I have a nice camera I enjoy using when there's something interesting to document. I live in Williamsburg, which is great until you see grown men wearing too-tight basketball jerseys. Fashion Girl

check Overstock.

I often get really good deals at True, you have to "hunt" for the items you want but, when you find it, it's going to be at a very significant discount. Their shipping times are also quite acceptable.
—Guest jedikitty

Sign up for email alerts

If you shop at a major department store, you might be able to sign up for their sale alert newsletters. In some large cities, you can sign up for specialized newsletters. Try googling "sale alert newsletter" your city's name.
—Guest SusanH

sample sales

I subscribe to various emails about local sample sales and only go to those that have clothes from my favorite designers.